Is there a free way to Track Twitter Follower Growth over time

Ann Julie
3 min readJul 27, 2019


Twitter has reached 340 million active users so far making it a platform where Twitter users manage thousands of followers every day. Learning your Twitter follower growth over time can be difficult. This is because there’s no provision on Twitter to gain such information on your Twitter account.

Twitter analytics only provides you data on overall follower gain/loss on a monthly basis. But, you can’t learn how your followers are changing on an everyday basis. This is not helpful if you want to understand which of your tweets are bringing you more followers and which tweets are losing your followers.

Why should you Track your Twitter Follower Growth?

Tracking your daily Twitter follower growth can help you know:

  • How many followers you’re gaining and losing every day.
  • Which of your tweets or tweet types help you increase your followers.
  • Are there any particular days when you gain/lose more followers?
  • Tweet frequencies that work best for your profile by learning the pattern.

The above reasons are compelling enough for any Twitter user to track their follower growth and analyze their follower numbers.

How to Track your Follower Growth?

To learn how your followers are actually growing, you can use a complete Twitter management tool, Circleboom. Circleboom gives a detailed Twitter analytics that involves learning about your tweet performance, audience demographic, follower growth, and follower characteristics

Here’s a step-by-step process to learn Circleboom and track how your followers are growing every day:

  • Authenticate your Twitter account with Circleboom to log in.
  • On the Circleboom dashboard, click on the menu on the left and select “User Analytics.”
  • From the drop-down select “Follower growth” and you can see two charts depicting your Twitter followers change on an everyday basis.

Other than growth, Circleboom also lets you track your followers and friends characteristics. Clicking on “Followers characteristics” under “User Analytics” gives you information on how many real/fake followers you have. You can also learn how many of these followers are active/inactive, talkative/friendly, ordinary/verified. You can retrieve similar information on your friends by clicking on the “Friends characteristics” in the menu.

To see the connection between your follower stats with the number of tweets, you can check the tweet stats chart under User Analytics and establish a connection.


Tracking your follower growth can be one of the first steps that you can take to increase your Twitter followers strategically. If you use Circleboom, you can also use its other valuable features like Circleboom publishing to schedule your tweets and Circleboom Circle to manage your followers.

If you’ve any difficulty in tracking the follower growth using Circleboom, share with us in the comments below. We would also like to know some of the amazing tips you follow to maintain your Twitter account, share them below too.

Originally published at on July 27, 2019.



Ann Julie

Grad Student at Biological Sciences @USC Dornsife Activist for @greenpeace make wise decisions in regards to protecting the environment #blacklivesmatter